Procurement Opportunities

Procurement of Goods and Services For a Period Of 24 months (2025-2026)

Bid notice under open domestic bidding
Addendum no. 1 - This addendum serves to amend the original bid notice published on 10th December 2024
24 Months (2025–2026). The following changes have been made to the bid notice:
Procurement Reference No.: BAMA/NCONS/2024/00116
Babies and Mothers Alive Foundation has allocated funds for the procurement of goods and services needed in its districts of operation and invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the following;

Category C Lot 2: Supply of new motorbikes, motor vehicles, vehicle and motorcycle tyres, generators (motor vehicle, motorcycle and generator spare parts and accessories)

Category D: Pre-qualification for the supply of medical drugs, vaccines, medical/surgical/laboratory equipment, and medical supplies.

Category E, Lot 2: Repairs and maintenance of motor vehicles, ambulances, motorcycles, and generators.

Provision of Office Space in Masaka City: Procurement Reference Number (PRN): BAMA/NCONS/2024/00116

Category G: Provision of Vehicle hire services for field activities, Procurement Reference Number (PRN): BAMA/NCONS/2025/00002

Interested bidders are invited to submit proposals for the provision of vehicle hire services to support field activities across BAMA Foundation’s operational districts. BAMA Foundation intends to contract qualified bidders and utilize their services on a need basis during the contract period.

Bid document request
Interested bidders can request the pre-qualification bid document by sending an email expressing interest to:

All other categories mentioned in the original notice remain closed for bid submission.

The bid submission for the above categories is before 3:00 pm on 6th February 2025. Interested eligible bidders should submit their bids in sealed envelopes physically at Babies and Mothers Alive Foundation Offices, Bulinda Kalisizo Town in Kyotera District. Tel: 0200-902073

Submission details
All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes clearly indicating the category(s) and lot(s) applied for and addressed to: The Procurement Secretariat, Babies and Mothers Alive Foundation, Bulinda, Kalisizo Town Council, Kyotera District, Uganda, P.O. Box 972, Masaka

Additional information
Bid documents for Category C, D, E, G, and RFP for Office Space are available on request physically or online at address below upon written Application and payment of a non-refundable fee of 100,000 (One Hundred Thousand Ugandan Shillings) and shared proof of payment. The method of payment will be on
Account number: 0051944001, Account title: Babies and Mothers Alive Foundation, Bank: DTB (Diamond Trust Bank), Branch: MASAKA in Uganda Shillings:
Office Address: Bulinda, Kalisizo Town Council, Kyotera District OR,

Category G – PRN: BAMA/NCONS/2025/00002 (Provision of Vehicle hire services for field activities) and PRN: BAMA/NCONS/2024/00116 (Provision of Office Space in Masaka city) are free of charge. (Other category fee charges remain unchanged).
The addendum is here.

All other terms and conditions in the original bid advert and detailed bid notice remain unchanged.

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