Why this summer is so exciting for BAMA

Dear friends of Babies and Mothers Alive (BAMA),

It’s June 20th, the Summer Solstice, and for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the longest day of the year. It marks the beginning of summer, a time of vacations with family and friends, picnics, baseball, and hopefully a season of rest and renewal. 

For Babies and Mothers Alive, this summer is especially exciting.

As we have shared in the past, this year, thanks to support from ENABEL, the Belgian Development Agency and Spring Fertility we are scaling our Mama Rescue Project, as well as our Maternal and Newborn Health activities to the Kasese and Kabarole Districts in Western Uganda. We expect to begin our life saving transportation services, linking women in labor to local taxi drivers next month!

Beginning this summer, we are excited to announce that we are expanding the BAMA core Maternal and Newborn Health Program to four additional districts in the Masaka Region. That means thousands more mothers and babies will have access to quality health care at BAMA-partnering facilities.

We are continuing our work integrating our Hospital to Home, and Mama Ambassador Programs into the government health system. Hospital to Home provides 6-months of home visits by BAMA-trained Community Health Workers to babies discharged from our NICUs. The Mama Ambassador Program, provides parenting support for adolescent mothers. 

We wish you a wonderful and fun-filled summer. We promise to stop and smell the roses while we continue our important work.

In celebration of our 20th anniversary, follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram for surprises on the 20th of each month. Hint for today: Join us on our journey through two decades. The team and BAMA didn’t always look like we do today.

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2023 Annual Report


Music for Mothers - what a great event