Feb 2023 Newsletter: Partnering with Adara to Improve Maternal and Newborn Health

BAMA has established 3 NICUs in our districts. This year we'll partner with Adara to adopt their Hospital to Home Program, improving follow-up care for high-risk infants.

This month we have launched an exciting new partnership with the Adara Group, an innovative Australian-based non-profit that works in Uganda to improve the quality of intensive care for sick newborns. Non-profit partnerships are a key component of our Transition to Scale vision. Our ultimate goal is to expand the dramatic improvements in maternal and newborn health that we have realized in the Rakai and Kyotera Districts over the past eight years, thanks to your support. Our Transition to Scale strategy employs a 3-tiered approach.

  1. Expand the BAMA Program to our neighboring districts in the Masaka Region. Our initial goal (3-years) is to expand to the two adjoining districts of Masaka and Kulungu, followed by scaling to the entire Masaka Region of nine districts serving a total of 2,218,286 people.

  2. Identify potential NGO partners in Uganda working in maternal, reproductive, newborn and early childhood health and development. Establishing a network of organizations that share our vision will support the dissemination our BAMA’s core innovations, and extend the reach of our program.

  3. Integrate BAMA innovations and its' data systems into the district and national health system. We’ll leverage our success to date, encouraging the adoption of key components of our program model.

In the past, we have realized great success through our partnership model. Working with We Care Solar, we provided solar powered light to over 30 maternity units that previously were performing deliveries in the dark. Over the past two years, we have partnered with FreO2 Foundation, installing their off-the-grid oxygen concentration systems in 20 health centers and hospitals throughout Uganda, ensuring lifesaving O2 therapy for children.

Now we will work with Adara, an innovative Australian non-profit that has extraordinary expertise in the care of sick newborns. Adara has established a state-of-the-art Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Kiwoko Hospital in the Nakaseke District of Uganda. Their innovative Hospital to Home Program, supports follow up of at-risk infants for six months post hospital discharge. In the coming months, we will begin our learning exchange with BAMA providing training in our Mentor Midwife/Mama Ambassador model, while Adara will support us piloting their Hospital to Home Program, allowing BAMA to support newborns discharged from our NICUs.

All of our work is a result of your generous support. We are so grateful for your partnership.

Thank you,

The BAMA Team

BAMA's Success Comes From Your Support And These Inspiring Partners


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