Oct 2022 Newsletter: Meet Assumpta Mubiru, Our Champion for the Health of Mothers and Babies

Sister Assumpta Mubiru, Linda, a local midwife, Dr. Eleanor Nakintu (left to right)

Every day in the health centers and hospitals of the Rakai and Kyotera Districts you will find Assumpta, our Senior Mentor Midwife working to improve the quality of maternal and newborn care for thousands of women and children. In Uganda, it is common to call nurses or midwives, Sister, as a term of respect. For Assumpta, that title is especially appropriate, as she truly is the sister to our entire staff, and to the hundreds of midwives she has mentored through her work with the Babies and Mothers Alive Foundation over the past six years.

Assumpta was born into a large family, the eighth child of eighteen, with nine brothers and eight sisters. With a hearty laugh, Assumpta recalls that the 'midwife' who delivered her was her loving father, as she was born at home, with no time to make it to the hospital. That story was told again and again throughout her childhood and it inspired young Assumpta, who knew from an early age that she wanted to help mothers in labor, and ensure that their babies were born healthy and strong.

Always an excellent student, Assumpta says she was a stubborn child, but when asked what that means, it turns out that in fact, she was always determined to achieve her goals and found herself in leadership roles throughout her adolescence and young adulthood. After completing her midwifery training at St. Mary's School, she embarked on an accomplished career of 40 years, as a practicing midwife, national trainer, and health administrator, returning to school throughout her life to broaden her knowledge and skills.

One of Assumpta's most precious students was a young physician, Eleanor Nakintu, who would go on to become a dedicated obstetrician and is now the BAMA Director of Programs. Assumpta has fond memories of mentoring a young doctor, who she knew had so much promise. So when Dr. Nakintu reached out to her in 2017 and asked if she would like to join her in realizing BAMA's mission to transform the quality of maternal and newborn health care for thousands of women and children, Assumpta happily said yes!

We are so fortunate to have Assumpta as our Senior Mentor Midwife. When asked what about her work with BAMA she is most proud of, she was silent for a moment and said:

"Every day I have the opportunity to work with dedicated midwives in our health centers and hospitals and help them improve their knowledge and skills. One night, I was awakened by a call from a staff midwife from one of our partnering health centers, who was caring for a woman with pre-eclampsia, the condition that causes very high blood pressure in pregnancy and can be fatal. I talked this young midwife through the management, reminding her of all she had learned in the BAMA trainings. I helped secure transport to the district hospital, and the next day received a call of thanks from the midwife and received the good news that the mother and baby were well. Over the past six years, this story has been repeated dozens of times and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to save so many lives."

Assumpta is not the only one who is grateful. The entire BAMA staff of 42, and the over 300 midwives and physicians whom she has mentored are grateful to call her a friend and partner. Since 2016, the Babies and Mothers Alive Program has worked to dramatically improve health outcomes for mothers and children in our communities. None of our success would be possible without the courage and dedication of Assumpta and the BAMA staff she helps lead and mentor.

And while we are talking about gratitude, we never forget that it is through your support that our work is made possible. Thank you for being there for the women and children of Uganda.

Assumpta providing an HPV vaccine to a young girl preventing cervical cancer

Michelle John

Having worked for a number of companies over the years, I embarked on my freelance career with the aim of supporting the missions of my clients with good design. What energizes me is helping clients who want to be different and are passionate about what they do. I regularly donate my time and design skills on Catchafire.org, a platform matching non-profits with the professional help they need.


Nov 2022 Newsletter: Meet Katharina Mueller, Our Newest Board Member as She Travels to Uganda
