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It has been 18 months since the first case of Covid was diagnosed in Uganda. In a country where the health system is already challenged by limited resources and multiple barriers to accessing quality care, Covid is like the 'canary in a coal mine', pointing us to pre-existing inequities that compromise the health of millions of people in Uganda and throughout the world. Thanks to your generous support in these most trying of times, we have actually expanded our work and impact during the Covid pandemic.

Since 2015, with the launching of our Babies and Mothers Alive (BAMA) Program, your donations have been the seed capital allowing us to create innovative program initiatives with the Ugandan and district governments that have dramatically improved maternal, reproductive and child health outcomes for the half-million people we serve. Building on the success that your support makes possible, we have gathered a community of international government and foundation partners. Together we are creating a comprehensive, community-based partnership to improve the health of thousands of women and children.

Enabel, the Belgian Development Agency is one such partner. Together with the Puffin, Spring Fertility, ELMA, and Together Women Rise Foundations, they are providing the funding for our Mama Rescue Project, which is linking women in labor to local motorcycle taxi drivers through a simple mobile phone app. Delays in reaching a BAMA-trained skilled midwife at one of our partnering health centers and hospitals are a major cause of death and injury for mothers and babies in our communities. Our clients receive a voucher number to access free transport once they attend their 4th antenatal care visit. Our goal is to provide transport for 10,800 women annually. After just two months, 2474 women have received their vouchers.

Mama Rescue also provides lifesaving transport from health center to hospital for women experiencing complications. Our goal is to transport 1620 patients over the next 12 months.

Click to watch our short and moving video above. Cathy, one of our brave young mothers tells her story of how the Mama Rescue Project helped her access the care of a skilled BAMA midwife, Rosemary Namakula. Our dedicated boda boda (motorcycle taxi) driver Mubarak Sserugo, explains how the Mama Rescue system works to provide lifesaving transport for women in labor.

Thank you as always for your support. Together our global community can help us all stay healthy and strong.

Michelle John

Having worked for a number of companies over the years, I embarked on my freelance career with the aim of supporting the missions of my clients with good design. What energizes me is helping clients who want to be different and are passionate about what they do. I regularly donate my time and design skills on, a platform matching non-profits with the professional help they need.