Protect the Environment Through Sustainable Sanitation

Brick by Brick believes that sustainable development includes the environment. After years of providing environmentally friendly rain water harvesting systems, we are now beginning work in researching sustainable sanitation systems as well. We have built Eco-san composting toilets in two Universal Primary Education Schools, St Andrews Matale Hill and UMEA Primary Schools.  Students are being instructed in their use to support this pilot project’s success.Eco-san technology allows the recycling of human waste, while producing a valuable resource that can improve agricultural production and combat soil erosion.  Stay tuned, we will continue to update progress on the Brick by Brick blog.Max demonstrating to students how to use the eco-san toilet Max training st. Andrews students use Eco-san toilet

Michelle John

Having worked for a number of companies over the years, I embarked on my freelance career with the aim of supporting the missions of my clients with good design. What energizes me is helping clients who want to be different and are passionate about what they do. I regularly donate my time and design skills on, a platform matching non-profits with the professional help they need.

100 and Counting!!


New School Building Completed at UMEA Primary School