My Pad Project: Empowering Girls with Knowledge and Skills

Brick by Brick Uganda has launched a new project to help girls and young women learn about their own bodies, while creating their own re-usable menstrual pads. In Uganda, as is true in many parts of the world, women often lack access to simple yet expensive menstrual hygiene products. Every month, many female students are forced to miss days of school, with direct impact on their academic progress. In 2012 Brick by Brick Uganda funded a needs assessment to research this problem and inquire from the girls themselves, about a practical solution. Thus, the My Pads Project was born. With assistance from Peace Corp volunteer Aditi Desai, and led by Kalsizo's own midwife and Brick by Brick staff member, Nalango Susan Kyambadde, we are implementing this educational and practical course as an after school program in three primary and one secondary school. So far the program is a smashing success, with great attendance and participation at every session.Our long-term goal is to integrate this program into the work we do at all the schools participating in the Brick by Brick schools program. At each school, teachers are being trained to carry on this program, consistent with our mission of sustainable change. Congratulations Nalango and to all of our partners for making this program a success!Students at Matale Hill Primary School making their own re-useable menstrual padsStudents and teachers at the Uganda Muslim Education Association (UMEA) Primary School learning together

Michelle John

Having worked for a number of companies over the years, I embarked on my freelance career with the aim of supporting the missions of my clients with good design. What energizes me is helping clients who want to be different and are passionate about what they do. I regularly donate my time and design skills on, a platform matching non-profits with the professional help they need.



Construction Continues at UMEA Kalisizo Primary School